Helpful Resources
APPEALS: Pursuant to Wyoming Gaming Commission Rules of Racing and Pari-Mutuel Events Chapter III Sec. 2 (a) (i), such request must be filed in writing at the office of the Commission within five (5) days of the date of notice of the penalty or imposition of discipline.
MAPS & TERMINAL INFORMATION: Interactive map of the State of Wyoming with all approved gaming locations statewide.
HHR Terminal Information: Contains number of HHR terminals in operation by City, Town and County.
SBAGTerminal Information: Contains number of Skill Based Amusement terminals in operation by City, Town and County.
Legislative Changes: Easy to find changes to legislation regarding gaming since 2010.
File Complaint: Online form to file a complaint against a license holder.
Public Comment: The Wyoming Gaming Commission would love to hear your thoughts or concerns. Use this form to submit comments to the commission.
Public Records Request: To submit a written request (email, mail, fax, or in person) according to Commission procedures. Include enough description and detail about the information requested to enable the agency body to accurately identify and locate the items requested.
Responsible Gaming: To the responsible gaming page.
Rulings: To the rulings page.
Useful Links: Website links to additional resaources.