Skill Based Amusement Games
Pursuant to W.S. § 11-25-102(xvi) "Establishment" means a single physical place of business that operates as a truck stop, smoke shop or that is licensed or permitted to sell alcoholic liquor or malt beverages under W.S. 12-2-203(g), 12-4-201, 12-4-301, 12-4-401, 12-4-407, 12-4-413, 12-4-414 or 12-4-415;
Pursuant to W.S. § 11-25-305 the commission shall issue or deny permits, licenses or decals within sixty (60) days of receipt of applications. Please note that a completed application includes the receipt of physical fingerprint cards and payment, not just the online application form.
Once the online application form is reviewed and approved the submitter will receive an email noting that application has been approved. THIS DOES NOT AUTHORIZE THE APPLICANT TO BEGIN SBAG OPERATIONS. Operations can only begin upon issuance of the permit, license (coming in a separate email) and decals.
Vendors must submit Vendor Terminal Addition Application for all new locations and movement of terminals.
Fingerprints are required for all new operators and vendors that have not previously submitted fingerprints. Existing operators and vendors need to re-submit fingerprints every 5 years.
Supplemental Forms
Agency Updates
On February 18, 2022, Wyoming Governot Mark Gorden singed into law Senate Enrolled Act No. 25 (SF-0041) - AN ACT relating to gaming; limiting where skill based amusement games can be located; allowing previously authorized skill based amusement games to continue operating as specified; and providing for an effective date. The bill in its entirity can be veiwed here.
On April 5, 2021, Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon signed into law Senate Enrolled Act No. 44 (SF-0056) - Wyoming Gaming Commission-Modifications and Corrections, repealing the June 30, 2021 sunset date allowing for the continued operation of skill based amusement games in the state.
On March 17, 2020, Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon signed into law House Enrolled Act No. 95 (HB-0171) - Wyoming Gaming Commission, authorizing the continued use of skill based amusement games in the state until June 30, 2021.