Skill Based Amusement Games


Agency Updates

On February 18, 2022, Wyoming Governot Mark Gorden singed into law Senate Enrolled Act No. 25 (SF-0041) - AN ACT relating to gaming; limiting where skill based amusement games can be located; allowing previously authorized skill based amusement games to continue operating as specified; and providing for an effective date.  The bill in its entirity can be veiwed here

On April 5, 2021, Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon signed into law Senate Enrolled Act No. 44 (SF-0056) - Wyoming Gaming Commission-Modifications and Corrections, repealing the June 30, 2021 sunset date allowing for the continued operation of skill based amusement games in the state.

On March 17, 2020, Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon signed into law House Enrolled Act No. 95 (HB-0171) - Wyoming Gaming Commission, authorizing the continued use of skill based amusement games in the state until June 30, 2021.