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March 3, 2025 - March is Problem Gambling Awareness Month4

Casper, WY - The Wyoming Gaming Commission, in partnership with the National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG), is proud to recognize March as Problem Gambling Awareness Month (PGAM). This year's theme, "Seeking Understanding," focuses on increasing awareness of problem gambling as a serious but often misunderstood mental health condition. The campaign seeks to foster greater awareness and empathy, break down barriers to treatment, and provide support for individuals and families impacted by gambling-related harm.

Problem gambling, defined as gambling behaviors that disrupt or damage personal, family, or professional lives, affects millions of Americans. Nationally, approximately 2.5 million U.S. adults meet the criteria for severe problem gambling, with an additional 5-8 million individuals experiencing mild or moderate gambling problems.

The annual observance of Problem Gambling Awareness Month provides an essential platform for organizations across the country to highlight the availability of resources that support problem gambling prevention, education, treatment, and recovery.

Throughout March, the Wyoming Gaming Commission has planned a series of impactful social media posts and emails aimed at educating the public and spark meaningful conversations around problem gambling. Tuesday, March 11th is Gambling Disorder Screening Day and resources will be available to support and encourage early identification of gambling problems.

Problem Gambling Awareness Month promotes essential awareness for individuals affected by problem gambling, as well as their loved ones. The Wyoming Gaming Commission stands behind initiatives aimed at enhancing accessibility to prevention, treatment, and recovery services. Assistance for problem gambling remains readily available in Wyoming, not only during March but throughout the entire year.

The Wyoming Gaming Commission encourages local media and community organizations to join this important conversation by sharing information and highlighting available resources.

For more information about problem gambling and how to increase awareness of problem gambling, visit Or for the Wyoming Chapter of the Council on Problem Gambling to find Wyoming resources, visit

If you or someone you know has a gambling problem, call or text the National Problem Gambling Helpline at 1-800-GAMBLER, or visit

Help is available 24/7/365 – it is free and confidential.

If you have been impacted by a loved one’s gambling, you are not alone. By raising awareness, we can offer support to everyone impacted and work toward healing.

February 14, 2025 - Over $27 Million Distributed to Wyoming Cities, Towns, & Counties in 2024

Casper, WY - As the gaming industry in Wyoming continues to expand, local cities, towns, and counties are also experiencing gains through tax revenue derived from off-track betting, skill based amusement games, simulcasting, and advanced deposit wagering. Tax revenue is also distributed to the School Foundation Program Account, the Wyoming Breeders Award Program, and for purse enhancements during live horse racing.

In 2024, over $11 million dollars was distributed to counties, as well as over $10 million dollars distributed to the cities from Historic Horse Racing where off-track betting facilities are located.

Skill Based Amusement Games can be found in every county throughout the Cowboy state. The School Foundation Program Account received over $2.8 million dollars, counties received over $1.5 million dollars, and cities received over $1.2 million dollars from taxable revenue on skill based amusement games.

Advanced Deposit Wagering taxes are utilized to help continue the growth of the horse racing industry throughout the state. Over $14,000 was contributed to the Wyoming Breeders Award Program which is used to promote the improved breeding and development of the horse industry in Wyoming. Another $106,000 was distributed to the operators of live horse racing events for the purpose of enhancing purses during the live horse racing season.

Online Sports Wagering operators contributed over $1.4 million dollars in tax revenue, of which the first $300,000 is appropriated to the Wyoming Department of Health to be distributed to counties for the purpose of funding programs to prevent and treat problematic gambling behavior. The rest of the revenue from Online Sports Wagering is then deposited into the general fund.

Pursuant to WS 11-25-201 (d), the Wyoming Gaming Commission rolls-over any amount in their account over $1.5 million dollars to the Legislative Stabilization Reserve Account. During the 4th quarter of 2024, $811,463.70 was rolled over into the LSRA.

More financial and revenue information can be found on the Wyoming Gaming Commission website.

December 20, 2024 - Wyoming Gaming Commission Executive Director Charles Moore To Retire

Casper, WY - After 17 years with the Wyoming Gaming Commission, Executive Director Moore leaves a lasting legacy upon retirement. 

For over 50 years, Wyoming Gaming Commission Executive Director Charles Moore has been involved in the horse racing industry in a variety of positions from Groom to Trainer to Racing Secretary to Track Steward to Director of Racing, giving him an in-depth knowledge of the entire racing industry. In 2008, the Wyoming Pari-Mutuel Commission was in need of a new executive director and someone to help resurrect a floundering industry. Through hard work and dedication, the Commission and the racing industry began to make a comeback under Director Moore’s guidance and leadership.

In his early years, Director Moore helped to revitalize the horse racing industry throughout the state with live horse racing and the Wyoming Breeders Award Program. In 2010, there was no live horse racing, and in 2011, Wyoming Horse Racing began running races in Rock Springs which is a trend that has continued to grow every year. Director Moore also reformed the Wyoming Bred Program that had previously been run by the horsemen and brought it under the direction of the Commission to provide integrity and transparency. The Wyoming Breeders Award Fund is now touted as one of the best incentive programs in North America with a net return of 8 million dollars expected in 2024.

In 2013, the Wyoming Legislature passed a bill allowing wagering on Historic Horse Racing through the vision of Representative Wallis and Senator Schiffer. This new opportunity expanded the purview of the Commission and provided the industry with an increase in live race dates while also supplementing purses for Wyoming horsemen. Director Moore was present through the original legislation and successfully launched the program, which began an unprecedented revitalization of racing, breeding of racehorses, and wagering activity throughout the state, far surpassing all expectations.

Chief Racing Officer of the American Quarter Horse Association, Janet VanBebber said that she has “had the pleasure of knowing Charles Moore for several years. In coming to serve as Executive Director of Wyoming’s Gaming Commission, he brought with him a lifetime of experience in horseracing. This involvement armed him with a passion for the sport, and he has been steadfast in his pursuit of both increased integrity and measures to grow the industry. What a pleasure it has been for the American Quarter Horse Association to support him in these endeavors, as such opportunities will help ensure racing stays viable for future generations to enjoy. Job well done, Charlie. Your impact will be felt for a very long time.”

In 2020 and 2021, once again the Wyoming State Legislature took giant leaps into the gaming arena repurposing the Wyoming Pari-Mutuel Commission into the Wyoming Gaming Commission when Skill Based Amusement Games and Online Sports Wagering were legalized. It was a heavy lift for the Commission and Director Moore was able to pilot the agency through those successful launches.

Currently the agency regulates Pari-Mutuel Wagering on Live and Historic Horse Racing, Online Sports Wagering, Skill Based Amusement Games, and Charitable Gaming, as well as criminal investigations regarding illegal gaming, a significantly far more extensive jurisdiction than when Director Moore first began in 2008.

Representative Sandy Newsome stated that “Director Moore has been a valuable leader of the Wyoming Gaming Commission. He brought so much knowledge and passion to the position, especially as new laws were passed, which increased the scope of gaming in Wyoming. He took on these challenges enthusiastically and created an excellent team to execute the expansion. I have served as the Wyoming House of Representatives liaison to the Gaming Commission for four years. Director Moore has always been willing to educate me as we moved through the gaming expansion in Wyoming. I feel fortunate to have worked with him and wish him well in retirement.”

As a civil servant, Director Moore believes he is held to a higher standard and must be an exemplary example in representing the State of Wyoming. In March, Director Moore was presented with the Len Foote award for his exemplary service and contribution to racing integrity by a Commission Executive Director as chosen by his peers from the Association of Racing Commissioners International. This award is considered the highest honor bestowed upon a racing regulator in North America and the Caribbean. 

Currently, Director Moore is a board member of the Association of Racing Commissioners International and Chairman of the Sports Betting Regulators Association.

The success of wagering in Wyoming is due to the persistence and diligence of Director Moore leading the helm, taking the reins, and guiding the state through significant changes, as well as being a visionary in succession planning for the next generation. 

Commissioner Schiffer said that “when Charlie came to Wyoming he had a strong horse racing background. Charlie effectively enforced the laws and regulations governing horse racing in Wyoming. Before long, our Legislature expanded gaming far beyond horse racing; the Pari-Mutuel Commission has become the Gaming Commission. To his credit, Charlie has never missed a beat! The scope of his duties as Director have expanded exponentially and Charlie has embraced a huge learning curve. He is able to direct the Commission’s oversight of these new gaming platforms with all the acumen that he has brought to overseeing Wyoming horse racing.” Commissioner Schiffer also called Director Moore a “natural” and thanked him for his unwavering and gifted leadership.

Director Moore leaves behind a lasting legacy with the Wyoming Gaming Commission and said, “it is not about the awards or accomplishments you receive in life. It is about who you become as a person along the way. While I have been credited with several monumental accomplishments throughout my 17 years with the agency, what is important is that I am a better person because of those years and the people I interact with each and every day.”

As Director Moore prepares for more fishing adventures and time with his grandkids, he is leaving the Gaming Commission in the very capable hands of succeeding Executive Director Nick Larramendy who has worked alongside Director Moore at the Commission for 6 years. Newly appointed Executive Director Larramendy was born and raised in Wyoming and has over 20 years of law enforcement experience, having attended the Wyoming Law Enforcement Academy in both 2002 and 2004. He also brings a wealth of regulatory knowledge and experience.

During the November Annual Fall Meeting, Director Moore stated, “as we look to the future, I am confident and proud to know Mr. Larramendy will be guiding this agency for the next generation. Nick is a perfect fit for the State of Wyoming and the Wyoming Gaming Commission.”

As he assumes the role that Director Moore has held for so many years, Executive Director Larramendy is ready and prepared to guide the Commission through the continued growth and expansion of gaming in Wyoming.

December 3, 2024 - Giving Back to Wyoming (2013-2023)

Casper, WY - In the past 10 years, Historic Horse Racing distributions have exceeded $6.5 Billion dollars in payouts to players, distributions to cities, towns, and counties, the Breeder’s Award Program, the Legislative Stabilization Reserve Account, and to the State of Wyoming. 

The Wyoming Gaming Commission, originally known as the Wyoming Pari-Mutuel Commission, was first established during the 1967 General Session with House Bill No. 130, authorizing pari-mutuel wagering on live racing. Over the years, the state legislature expanded the scope of the Commission, provided a fund for breeder’s awards, authorized simulcasting, and in 2013, House Bill No. 25 redefined simulcast to include historic pari-mutuel events. These landmark bills set the stage for Historic Horse Racing to begin to give back to Wyoming.

Historic Horse Racing wagers are pari-mutuel wagers, meaning that the Operator accepting the wager has no interest in the outcome of the race. Rather, the wagered money is “pooled.” When the wagers are placed, the Operator receives a “commission” off the top at approximately 8%. That “commission” is then used to pay for the horsemen’s purses, operating expenses, taxes, and other costs associated with both live horse racing and off track wagering locations. The balance of the pool, the remaining 92%, is then returned to the patrons who place winning wagers. 

The system for Historic Horse Racing contains thousands of previously run horse races. Although the identities of the exact race and the horses racing are withheld from the patron prior to playing, the patron is provided with actual handicapping information from the race at the date and time it was run, to use in making an informed wager. The Historic Horse Racing machines are only allowed to operate at licensed and highly regulated facilities that are approved by the Wyoming Gaming Commission.

Historic Horse Racing has helped to restore the viability of the state’s horse racing industry by increasing live race dates and supplementing purses for Wyoming horsemen, as well as providing billions of dollars in payouts to the public. In 2010, there was no live horse racing in the state of Wyoming. Just three years later in 2013, there were 10 days of live horse racing, and Historic Horse Racing machines began operating for 26 days in December where $398,960.45 was returned to the wagering public. 

2014 was the first full year of Historic Horse Racing in Wyoming and $104,755,928.05 was returned to the wagering public. During that 20 day live horse racing season, $838,150.00 was distributed to enhance purses and began an upward rise in the advancement of the sport throughout the state. 

Over the course of 10 years, both the horse racing and off-track betting industries have grown immensely and in 2023 there were 52 scheduled days of racing, with $3,675,600.00 in purse contributions, over 4 times the amount contributed to purses for live horse racing in 2014. Additionally in 2023, $1,542,312,600.79 was returned to the wagering public and is nearly 15 times the amount returned in 2014 from Historic Horse Racing.

Overall, Historic Horse Racing paid a staggering $6.4 billion dollars in payouts to players from 2013-2023.

Coupled with live horse racing, the Wyoming Gaming Commission is also the official registrar and administrators of the Breeders Award Program which was created to promote the improved breeding and development of the horse industry within the state. $27 million dollars has been distributed to the Breeder’s Award Program over the past 10 years. In 2013, only $1,868.94 was distributed from Historic Horse Racing to the program. Whereas, in 2023, $6,778,892.86 was distributed from Historic Horse Racing which has sparked nationwide interest in having horses bred and residing in Wyoming. This has profoundly contributed to the viability of the state’s horse racing industry.

Historic Horse Racing has also distributed $69 million dollars to cities, towns, and counties between 2013-2023 from one percent (1%) of the total amount wagered that is attributable to historic pari-mutuel events, to the county and the city or town in which the off-track betting site is located, in equal shares, or to the county alone if the location is not located within the boundaries of a city or town. In 2013, $4,672.36 was distributed in equal shares to the cities and counties where the 8 off-track betting facilities were located. Ten years later in 2023, there were a total of 43 off-track betting locations throughout the state where $8,210,154.04 went to cities and towns, and another $8,737,078.10 went to counties in unrestricted tax revenue.

Of the 23 counties in Wyoming, only 16 have voter approval for pari-mutuel wagering and have the option to allow Historic Horse Racing to take place.

As the regulatory agency, the Wyoming Gaming Commission is dedicated to the protection of the wagering public and the health, safety, and welfare of the participants in all lawful gaming and pari-mutuel activity. While in pursuit of this mission as a self-funded state agency, Historic Horse Racing has contributed $22 million dollars from 2013-2023 for the operations of the Gaming Commission office. However, in 2020, the agency had an excess of funds, which was then distributed in a one-time donation of $2 million dollars to the Wyoming State Fair endowment, another $200,000 dollars for predator management, and $2.3 million dollars to the Legislative Reserve Stabilization Account. A state statute was also then enacted that requires any amount over $1.5 million dollars in the Gaming Commission account to be rolled over to the LSRA each quarter. Of the $22 million distributed to the state Gaming Commission office during the last decade, over $10 million dollars of it has been rolled over into the LSRA.

The Legislative Reserve Stabilization Account (LSRA) is utilized by the state to address budget shortfalls, emergencies, and appropriations. Historic Horse Racing Operators must pay an amount equal to one-quarter percent (1/4%) of the total amount wagered attributable to historic pari-mutuel events to the LSRA. In 2020, pursuant to Wyo. Statutes § 11-25-201(d), the Wyoming Gaming Commission began disbursing money to the LSRA and Historic Horse Racing contributed $1,692,975.40. In 2023, $4,236,808.05 was contributed to the LSRA from Historic Horse Racing.

The Wyoming Gaming Commission’s Executive Director Charles Moore stated that “the past decade has seen an unprecedented turnaround in live horse racing with the legislature’s authorization of Historic Horse Racing. The benefit to the state of Wyoming as a whole has created a lasting impact thanks to the vision of Senator Schiffer and Representative Wallis, the original bill sponsors in 2013.” 

Historic Horse Racing has created an opportunity for various industries to thrive throughout the state. All of the increases have had a remarkable direct impact on the Cowboy State. Historic Horse Racing has given back by creating economic stability for the state by bolstering cities, towns, and counties, by contributing to the patrons and state accounts, by creating new jobs, and by enticing tourism, with the overall benefit directly impacting the agriculture industry in Wyoming.


Sara Beth Lyon

September 25, 2024 - Feasibility Study on Gaming in Wyoming

Casper, WY - The Wyoming Gaming Commission, in conjunction with the Wyoming State Legislature, has entered into a contract with Spectrum Gaming Group to conduct a feasibility study about the future of gaming in Wyoming. The Joint Appropriations Committee determined their interim topics and their priority #1 is a comprehensive review of gaming in Wyoming.


In the 2024 General Appropriations bill, the Legislature requires the Wyoming Gaming Commission to conduct a "statewide study of gaming in Wyoming including the structure of historic horse race wagering, skill-based amusement games, and online sports wagering" in consultation with the Committee. The study will also "consider the number and growth of wagering locations and activity, the Commission's oversight capacity, the transparency and efficiency of the Commission monitoring and reporting on licensees and horse track safety" and identify possible gaps in Wyoming law that affect or may affect consumers regarding the security, integrity, or fairness of gaming activities, state and local licensing and permitting processes, and procedures to address non-compliance. The Committee may consider pari-mutuel, skilled gaming, and sports wagering, and may consider providing a uniform regulatory structure for all permitted activities. The Committee will also consider whether to authorize or prohibit interactive gaming, an appropriate regulatory structure, and potential tax revenue. This topic may result in legislation introduced in the 2025 General Session.


Spectrum Gaming Group brings in decades of experience in the gaming industry, regulatory and pari-mutuel expertise coupled with unmatched experience in serving state regulators with comprehensive gaming studies. They provide an unparalleled suite of services for the regulated gambling industry worldwide. Their findings, conclusions and recommendations are based solely on their research, analysis and experience.


Throughout September and October, Spectrum Gaming Group will be conducting investigations, site visits, analyzing data, and assessing the current state of gaming in Wyoming. An early initial draft of their report is expected in November and will be utilized to shape the future of gaming in Wyoming.


Sara Beth Lyon

August 11, 2023 - Richest Race on Record in Wyoming

Casper, WY - On Sunday, August 6, 2023, a newfound excitement circulated the backside of Wyoming Downs and it spread to the fans in the grandstands, a historical and pivotal event was about to ensue.  The Wyoming Downs Futurity qualifiers would be competing for a purse of $200,400, the richest race on record in Wyoming.     

In racing, the true test of a state’s breeders program is if homebred horses can compete in the big leagues with open company. Well the proof is in the pudding that Wyoming is breeding some of the finest around as not only did the historic race have three Accredited Wyoming Bred qualifiers but the top two finishers in the final were breed registered. It was some of the most exciting 17 seconds in sports, as nine (9)
two- year-old quarter horses sprinted 350 yards to the finish in a well fought battle to the end. The victor was then bound for the winner circle for a celebratory photo and awards presentation with all the winning connections.  

Eddie and Andrea Jensen’s Accredited Wyoming Bred Pappas Fame was raised by the late Ron Moosman with his wife Laurie, trained by Kylie Valenzuela and ridden by Jesus Valenzuela.  The Pappasito gelding out of the mare Makn Moves came flying on the end to win the historical race, making his record a perfect 5 for 5 and earned $92,184 for his effort. Pappas Fame also won the $115,000 Powder River Wyoming Bred Futurity at Energy Downs in June.

Running out of trainer Josh Taylor’s barn, Accredited Wyoming Bred Ivorybudsnblossoms was guided by jockey Juan Rivas to a stellar effort but was overtaken right at the wire to place second by a nose. Brook Black bred the Ivory James gelding out of One Famous Blossom and earned $40,080 for owner Eugene Joyce.

The Wyoming Breeders Award Program is currently one of the best in the country.


Brande Koltiska

May 6, 2022 - WGC Approves Two Additional Online Sports Wagering Operators

Casper, WY - The Wyoming Gaming Commission approved two additional online sports wagering operators during its May 5th, 2022 special meeting, bringing the total number of operators in the state to six.

Penn Sports Interactive, LLC., dba Barstool Sportsbook and American Wagering, Inc., dba Caesars Sportsbook both were approved unanimously by the Commission.  Caesars Sportsbook expects to launch by the end of May, while Barstool Sportsbook expects to launch in the coming months.

Current Online Sportsbook Operators include the following:

Crown Gaming WY, dba DraftKings Sportsbook
BetMGM, dba RoarDigital
BetFair Interactive US LLC, dba Fanduel Sportsbook
PointsBet Wyoming LLC
Penn Sports Interactive, LLC, dba Barstool Sportsbook
American Wagering, Inc., dba Caesars Sportsbook


Michael Steinberg

May 6, 2022 - WGC Approves 2022 Amended Live Race Dates

Casper, WY - During the Wyoming Gaming Commission's special meeting, held Thursday, May 5, 2022 in Casper, WY, the Commissioners approved the request by Wyoming Horse Racing, LLC to amend the live race dates at Sweetwater Downs.  The WGC has scheduled a total of 52 live race days for 2022.

Wyoming Horse Racing, LLC will still offer 16 live race days beginning a week later than originally requested.  Sweetwater Downs in Rock Springs will host the following dates:
August 20, 21, 27, 28; September 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 24, 25; and October 1, 2.

Wyoming Downs, LLC will offer 20 live race days at Wyoming Downs Racetrack during the following dates:
June 4, 5, 11, 12, 18, 19, 25, 26; July 2, 3, 9, 10, 16, 17, 23, 24, 30, 31; and August 6, 7.

307 Horse Racing, Inc. will offer 16 live race days, hosted at Energy Downs in Gillette, during the following dates:
May 21, 22, 28, 29, 30; June 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26.

The Commission continues to strive for the protection of the wagering public and the health, safety and welfare of both human and equine participants with our regulatory processes, presence and integrity.

For more information on the latest information and news regarding horse racing in Wyoming, please visit the following sites:
307 Horse Racing, Inc.
Wyoming Downs, LLC
Wyoming Horse Racing, LLC


Brande Koltiska