Breeder's Program in Wyoming: Resounding Success

Mar 6, 2020
March 6, 2020Wyoming Pari-Mutuel CommissionBrande J. Koltiska, Wyoming Bred Administrator

Historic Racing revenues in Wyoming are being utilized to restore the state’s horse racing industry as well as securing major economic stability for the state with resounding success.  The revenue from the Historic Horse Racing terminals has helped to boost live horse racing events in Wyoming, supplement bigger incentives for horse breeders throughout the state and bring a great revenue source to the State of Wyoming and Wyoming municipalities.

Over $3.2 million was distributed to the Wyoming Breeder Awards Fund in 2019, which is paid out to eligible owners, breeders and stallion owners of Wyoming Bred horses that participate in Wyoming live race meets throughout the state.  Over $9.8 million dollars has been allocated to the fund from Historic Racing terminals since 2013. 

For calendar year 2019 the top breeder award participant received over $270,000 for being an owner, breeder and stallion owner of Wyoming bred horses, the top racehorse earned over $17,000, top owner earned over $87,000, top breeder over $122,000 and top stallion owner over $178,000. The Wyoming Bred Program is flourishing with 150 new mares and 30 new stallions being registered as Accredited Wyoming Breds in 2019.  Here is a Complete List of Awardees.

The revenue from the historic racing terminals for Wyoming municipalities for 2019 reached over $7.9 million to distribute back to cities and counties where the Historic Racing terminals are located.  Over $24 million dollars has been distributed to local municipalities since Historic Racing was implemented in 2013. 

Other contributions from the Pari-Mutuel industry included the transfer of funds in July of 2019 from the Pari-Mutuel Account into the following accounts for the State: $2 Million to the Wyoming State Fair, $2 Million to the Legislative Stabilization Reserve and $200,000 to the Animal Damage Control.  “It is essential for the state, industry leaders and citizens to focus on what benefits the Cowboy State and with a collaborative effort the racing industry will continue to provide major economic stability for the state,” stated Director Charles Moore.  

Wyoming's operators have been approved to run a total of 30 race days in 2020.  Wyoming Horse Racing, LLC will run 16 total days including Energy Downs (Gillette - June 12, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21, 26, 27, 28 & Sweetwater Downs (Rock Springs) August 28, 29, 30 September 5, 6, 12, 13.   Wyoming Downs will run 14 total days starting July 4 and running through August 16, Saturday & Sundays.  Click here for the Race Calendar.